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The GRYFN Plot Extraction Tool generates research plot boundaries automatically from drone-based point cloud or image data. The tool provides versatile extraction methods that enable users to refine the boundaries as needed. 
•Create quick layouts with ease
•Automatically detect plots from the data

Handle point cloud (LAS/LAZ) and image (GeoTIFF) data

•Fine-tune plots to match local field conditions

•Label plots according to trial information

•Export plots in open-standard JSON format

Objective Recognition of Research Plots from Data or Manual Creation
  • Input RGB drone data, Single band rasters like vegetation indices or DSMs, or LiDAR and RGB-based point clouds.

  • Define experiment layout expectations, and extract plots automatically.

  • For difficult trials or quick layouts, use the Manual Creation option.

Field Based Refinement (Optional)
  • Systematic errors like planter angle drift, multiple planting dates, etc. can lead to variable differences across the field.

  • To address these variables, the tool divides the field into smaller tiles and performs plot extraction for each tile for precise angle estimation. 

Plot-Based Refinement (Optional)
  • For highly variable errors such as hand planted plots, the GRYFN Plot Extraction Tool offers two features for refining plots based on local field conditions, providing a more accurate representation of real-world dynamics in the field.

    1. Refine by Plots: This feature employs an algorithm similar to plot extraction, except it operates on individual plots rather than the entire field. It can refine the orientation and length of each plot, meaning that segments within a plot are locked together in adjustment.

    2. Refine by Segments: This feature identifies an oriented bounding box that encloses the above-ground points (pertaining to point cloud data) or vegetation pixels (pertaining to image data) for each segment and allows each individual segment to adjust freely.

  • The last phase assigns labels, including range, row, and segment IDs, to the plots according to the trial information provided by the user.

  • Currently, the user can establish an origin, and a start number for the Row-Range. The plots are then labeled sequentially.

  • Users can change the starting numbers, change the sequence step, and even consider planter rows and direction.

Exports and Field Books
  • When ready, export your plots to open-standard JSON files and even join your field book information to match trial data to Range-Row labeling.



ANNUAL - $1,275 USD



Plot Extraction Overview Video

Plot Extraction Demonstration Video


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What can I do with the Demo Version?
  • Everything for five days with limited export. You can only export 10 by 10 segments to evaluate using .JSON files and formats, but you can test any of your fields.

  • No credit card is necessary to use the demo software, simply fill out the order form above.

  • When you want to convert to a full license, send a request to or complete a new order form.

What input formats do you accept?
  • Point cloud from LiDAR or image-based 3D reconstruction (LAS/LAZ)

  • RGB orthomosaic (GeoTIFF)

  • Single band raster (GeoTIFF) such as vegetation indices or digital surface model

  • Field boundary (JSON)

What options do I have to map plots?
  • Automatic, objective extraction from input data such as drone imagery, LiDAR data, etc. You can refine initial extractions to address challenging cases by the field (planter drift, etc.) to the plot, and even refine down to the individual plot for placement, scale, and rotation.

  • For constrained control and difficult trials, the Manual Creation option allows you to define and place the trials as you wish.

How do I continue to edit my data?
  • The GRYFN team uses a variety of open-source and commercial spatial analysis tools.

  • Because output JSON files are standard and non-proprietary, there are no limits to your analytic capabilities.

How can I purchase a license?
  • We can send an invoice where you can use most credit cards or we can invoice your finance department.

  • Licenses will be distributed upon successful payment.

Do I need a GRYFN Sensing System?
  • No. We designed the tool to compliment our systems because early season RGB data is good for plots, and later in the season, LiDAR is the only way to go.

  • But, we wanted anyone with RGB, single band rasters, and point clouds to be able to use the tool.

What are the licensing models?
  • Annual or Perpetual

  • We want to keep things academic licensing, no complicated models using plots, acres, etc.

  • But, we know you want to know it works...or doesn't. We have tested some ugly test can't fix everything...but that's when the manual tool saves the day.

  • If you would like to discuss enterprise approaches, let us know.

Does GRYFN store my data?
  • No. The GRYFN Processing tool uses the internet to check for a valid license, nothing more. The tool runs in your local environment, and your data is your data.

I have more questions! 
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