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The GRYFN PROCESSING TOOL is the latest software from GRYFN for processing UAV-Based multimodal remote sensing data. This software is designed as a simple to use integrated solution for simultaneous processing of Hyperspectral, LiDAR, and RGB data with a streamlined user experience.
Featuring a straightforward pipeline scheme, users can easily process multi-temporal datasets following a consistent format, while allowing for customization when needed. GRYFN software will produce high-quality raster and point cloud data products for further analysis in user infrastructure or in GRYFN’s custom tools.
GRYFN processing software currently supports processing data from sensors outlined in the table below. Processing data from frame cameras not included in standard GRYFN solutions may require changes to default processing settings.
The processing performance of the GRYFN Processing Tool is highly dependent on the specifications of the user’s machine and the size of the raw data. In general, for a single flight mission, a machine with 4 CPU cores and 16GB of RAM will process typical datasets without issues. A table outlining the basic specifications of GRYFN’s processing machines is given below for reference on higher performance machines. The GRYFN Processing Tool is currently only supported in the latest Windows operating systems, but a Linux version is forthcoming.
SBG QInertia or Applanix POSPac
SBG Systems offers QInertia and Applanix™ Corporation, provides Position and Orientation System Post-processing Package (POSPac). These solutions are required to post-process GNSS and inertial navigation data from GRYFN hardware systems. When supplied with the proper configuration file, a custom GRYFN trajectory format is created which is used in GRYFN’s processing software.
Although GRYFN hardware solutions incorporate SBG and/or Applanix navigation components, processing data from systems using other solutions is possible, provided the format is compatible.
For tutorials on processing GNSS-Inertial data in QInertia or POSPac please see the GRYFN Quick Start Guide in the GRYFN PROCESSING TOOL or the manufacturer's support pages.
Headwall SpectralView
For systems whic integrate the Headwall Nano HP, SpectralView is not required.
For other GRYFN systems incorporating spectral sensing solutions from Headwall Photonics, raw sensor data is not radiometrically calibrated. Although the empirical line method (ELM) employed in GRYFN processing software provides reflectance calibration for any type of data input (digital numbers or radiance), it is recommended to first convert the raw DNs to radiance values using Headwall’s SpectralView software. An outline of this process is provided in the GRYFN Quick Start Guide.
For tutorials on processing Hyperspectral data in GRYFN Processing Tool, or converting to radiance in SpectralView, please see the GRYFN Quick Start Guide in the GRYFN PROCESSING TOOL or Headwall’s support page at
For general information or access to sample data, please contact GRYFN by email at
Frame Camera | Any | 3-Band Image | JPEG/TIFF |
OS-1 | Ouster | 3D LiDAR | PCAP |
VLP-16/Puck | Velodyne | 3D LiDAR | PCAP |
OS-2 | Ouster | 3D LiDAR | PCAP |
APX-15 | Applanix | GNSS-INS | Custom Export TXT |
Quanta Micro | SBG | GNSS-INS | Custom Export TXT |
Micro-Hyperspec | Headwall | SWIR Hyperspectral | ENVI/Headwall |
Nano-Hyperspec | Headwall | VNIR Hyperspectral | ENVI/Headwall |
AFX10 | Specim | VNIR Hyperspectral | ENVI |
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